In this segment I’m going to show you how simple it is to post a Multipart-Encoded file to a RESTful api using the python Requests library using python 3.5.2. So let’s get started. First you will need to install the python Requests library, to do that simply type this command into your terminal: pip install Read More
Web scraping and saving to a file using Python, BeautifulSoup and Requests
In this segment you are going to learn how make a python command line program to scrape a website for all its links and save those links to a text file for later processing. This program will cover many topics from making HTTP requests, Parsing HTML, using command line arguments and file input and output. Read More
Create user and user profile in CreateView using single Formset without using post_save signal
Before we begin I am using Python 3.5.2 and Django 1.11.3 and basic knowledge of Django models, forms and views is required, so let’s begin. When I first started learning Django one of the things I needed to do was create a user and a user profile at the same time in the same view Read More
How to use a different python version with virtualenv
A common question for beginning python programmers is how to set up and activate a virtual environment using virtualenv with a different python version. Fortunate for us the answers is pretty simple. First, let’s fire up a command line terminal and type this command: virtualenv -pvirtualenv -p 1.) The virtualenv command is used to create Read More
Select data from MySQL database as dictionary and iterate through it
In this tutorial we are going to look at how you can retrieve data from a MySQL database as a dictionary instead of a tuple using PyMySQL. Then using that data we will iterate through the dictionary and use logic to test for certain conditions, in this case, we will be testing if the first Read More
How to access URL parameters in Django CBVs
Another common question in regards to Django is, how do I access a URL parameter captured from your URLconf( The and the answer is simpler than you might think. Before we get started I’m using Python 3.5.2 and Django 1.11.3. and assumes you have basic knowledge of Django Classed Based Views(CBVs) and its URL configuration. Read More
Pass object to formset to filter form ChoiceField
One of the initial problems I encountered with developing Django for the first time was how to pass object information to a formset so I could filter out a choices field based on the current user. There are two methods you need to override to accomplish this task, one is get_form_kwargs in the generic view Read More
Using get, get_queryset, get_context_data in Django CBVs
When I first started learning Django I had a lot of questions and while the Django documentation is absolutely excellent, sometimes you just may not know where to start. Which methods to use and override is pretty cut and dry for the experienced Djangonaut but for many first-time starters it can be a little confusing. Read More